ENAIRE, the French service provider (DSNA) and EUROCONTROL promote projects to improve airspace management
The Government authorises a 25-million-euro contract to integrate SkyNex to improve the air navigation system
The iTEC Collaboration launches the iTEC SkyNex Build Phase for the next generation Air Traffic Control system
Over 13,000 people visited the ENAIRE Foundation's Naves de Gamazo in Santander to take part in the activities marking its third anniversary
Air traffic gradually recovers in the Balearic Islands as traffic management measures put in place to guarantee safety
ENAIRE relies on AEMET forecasts to coordinate air traffic regulation along the Mediterranean coastline with EUROCONTROL to ensure the safety of operations
ENAIRE managed over 1.3 million flights in the first seven months of the year, 8.5% more than in 2023, a record year