Online flight plan
Through the ICARO XXI system, ENAIRE provides all users signed up to this portal with the chance to file their flight plan over the internet.
Please complete the form below to request access. Your request will be processed in around one week and you will be able to use this functionality on ICARO XXI.
If you need to modify your data you must complete the form again and resend it.
Los campos con un asterisco * son obligatorios.
Identity: ENAIRE – Tax ID number: Q2822001J
Postal address: Avda. de Aragón, 330 - Edificio 2 - 28022 Madrid
Telephone: 913 21 02 11
Email: info@enaire.es
Data Protection Officer (DPO): ucpd@enaire.es
Purpose of the processing
Purpose: personal data collected by the present form will be treated in order to process and manage the presented flight plan.
Storage periods: those established by applicable law in regard to liability limitation.
Legitimate interest
Data processing is based on article 6.1.c in the GDPR: air navigation regulations (Law 48/1960, 21 July, on air navigation and Royal Decree 57/2002, 18 January, approving Air Traffic Regulations and Royal Decree 552/2014, 27 June, which extends air Regulations and common operational provisions for air navigation services and procedures and modifies Royal Decree 57/2002, 18 January, which approves Regulations for Air Navigation). Fields marked with an * are obligatory, the refusal to fill them in will impede the processing of your request.
Data will not be transferred to third parties, unless legally mandated. No data transfer to third countries or international organisations is contemplated.
Those interested have a right to:
- Obtain confirmation on if ENAIRE is processing their personal data.
- To consult their personal data, as well as request amendment of inaccurate data, or, where appropriate, request its deletion in the case that, among other reasons, such data is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected.
- Request under certain circumstances:
Data processing restriction, in which case it will only be stored by ENAIRE to exercise or defend claims.
- Data processing objection, in which case ENAIRE will stop data processing, except for compelling legitimate grounds, or to exercise or defend possible claims. Including the processing of their data for automated individual decisions.
Rights may be exercised through ENAIRE’s Central Data Protection Unit (known as UCPD from its Spanish acronym) - Avda. de Aragón 330 - Edificio B - 28022, Madrid or via the Electronic Office (enaire.sede.gob.es).
You are informed that you have the right to withdraw your data processing consent at any time.
If you have not been duly attended to in the exercise of your rights, you may lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency - Address: C/Jorge Juan, 6 - 28001 MADRID – e-Office: sedeagpd.gob.es