Our commitment
At ENAIRE, we promote respect for and protection of the environment, contributing significantly to the sustainable development of air transport.
As the main national air navigation service provider, we are cognizant of the impact of our activity on the natural environment and, in turn, of how climate change can affect us; this is why, in order to strike a balance between the service we offer to society and caring for the natural environment, all our activities are carried out within our Environmental Policy and an Environmental Management System that is certified as per the ISO 14001 international standard.
The Policy serves as a guide for the Environmental Sustainability Plan: Green Sky. This Plan is consistent with the principles of the Paris Accord, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ICAO Assembly Resolution 40-18 on climate change, as well as with the Green Deal, the Spanish government's Strategy for Smart and Sustainable Mobility and the Circular Economy, and with the needs and expectations of our stakeholders.
The Green Sky Sustainability Plan has five strategic initiatives aimed at providing a global response on the environment:
1. Fly Clean: reduce the emissions associated with air traffic management.
The measures contained in Fly Clean are aimed directly at combatting climate change by improving flight efficiency. The more efficient a flight, the lower the aircraft's fuel consumption, with the ensuing reduction in atmospheric emissions.
2. Fly Quiet: reduce the acoustic impact and effects on biodiversity caused by aircraft.
The measures set out in Fly Quiet are aimed at systematically mitigating the impact of our sector on local populations and biodiversity by improving the design of flight procedures, using technology that allows for greater flexibility, and fostering collaborative environments with associations and environmental groups to minimise the impact on birdlife.
In this area, ENAIRE will continue to systematically and continuously assess the impact of all its flight manoeuvre projects, collaborating with Aena to monitor the sound levels resulting from the approach and take-off paths, and promoting active communication with the affected citizens and municipalities.
3. ECO-ENAIRE: optimise energy efficiency by reducing waste and the impact associated with our daily activity.
ECO-ENAIRE plans to undertake energy efficiency and self-supply measures involving renewable energies, mainly by relying on self-generation to supply its main facilities, replacing traditional lights with LED lighting, which is much more efficient, and upgrading its vehicle fleet with hybrid or electric vehicles, as well as by researching other possible alternative energy sources.
Since 2015 (except for the period corresponding to the energy crisis resulting from the war in Ukraine), 100% of the energy has been sourced from renewables, which has enabled savings of over 100,000 tonnes of CO₂.
4. Green Commitment: we go beyond what is legally required.
ENAIRE seeks excellence in its environmental strategy, acting beyond what is required by law by designing procedures with the aim of achieving:
- Optimised processes and reporting, regulatory compliance and process control, in an effort to improve environmental management.
- Energy efficiency audits.
- CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Report Directive), GRI (Global Reporting Initiative).
- Carbon Footprint Certification.
- Green ATM Certification (CANSO environmental accreditation programme).
- Sustainable Contracting.
- ISO 50001 Certification for Energy Management Systems.
5. Environmental Responsibility: Certifications/Reporting associated with our activity.
As part of its commitment to Environmental Responsibility, ENAIRE is working to reduce and monitor the environmental impact of its projects by improving environmental management through the DNSH ("Do No Significant Harm") principle and monitoring PRTR (Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan) projects. It also undertakes biodiversity studies and monitors the impact of operational projects under the PBN Plan.