Social media rules of use @ENAIRE

ENAIRE's communication channels on social media are intended to provide information to all its users. They can be viewed without having to register on them.

ENAIRE appreciates any comments and contributions that the public wish to make to its official accounts. ENAIRE is not responsible for information provided about its activity on other channels.

Responsibility for the comments

ENAIRE reserves the right to report any action deemed abusive, offensive, defamatory, discriminatory or that incites or advocates illegal conduct, and to delete:

  • Offensive comments containing insults or opinions that, due to how they are expressed and the words they contain, are offensive to the other users.
  • Messages with spam or advertising. Comments that only seek to promote a profile, event, product or service will be deleted. Publishing the same comment repeatedly in different posts is also prohibited.
  • Repeated comments.
  • Commentaries of a xenophobic, racist, homophobic or defamatory nature or the use of offensive language toward gender, sexuality, race, nationality, religion or faith, mental illness or physical disability, and toward any other social aspect not referenced in this document.
  • Content of a defamatory nature or that violates the fundamental rights of a person or institution, such as the right to reputation.
  • Messages that incite or encourage illegal conduct. You should use proper grammar and spelling and avoid writing in capital letters (it's considered shouting). Online, the use of capital letters indicates shouting. This will be taken into account when moderating comments in this format.
  • Personal details unrelated to the author of the comment.

If you wish to contact ENAIRE on topics involving social media, you can do so by sending an email to