I’ve passed ENAIRE's air controller call, what's next?
Once the candidates pass the tests of the public call, those selected to cover an Air Traffic Controller position at ENAIREEl enlace se abre en una nueva ventana must take the following steps:
1. Sign the future recruitment offer issued by ENAIRE
2. In the event of needing a loan to face the costs of the compulsory initial training courseEl enlace se abre en una nueva ventana, go to the awarded entity [from the file ‘Contracting the support service to facilitate access to the air traffic controller positions offered by ENAIRE’], which will issue the funding’s cover certificate (up to a maximum of €70,000), prior submission of the Class 3 medical certification, which certifies the psycho-physical and functional capability required to perform the specific tasks of this profession
3. Accompany this certificate with the reimbursement commitment, duly signed, in the cases set forth in section 8 of this note. Its form will be provided according to the copy included in the contracting file tendered by ENAIRE
4. The candidates must take this certification to the bank they consider (Sabadell, Santander, Bankinter, or any other), and request-obtain the loan, without having to present any other guarantees
5. Attend and complete the initial training course at any of the schools certifiedEl enlace se abre en una nueva ventana for such purpose
6. Attend and complete the unit training at the facilities assigned to obtain the final qualification
7. Sign the permanent employment contract with ENAIRE
8. In the hypothetical case that the candidate does not pass the course and it is proven that he did not act in bad faith at any time, the entity awarded the service contracted by ENAIRE will assume the loan, without the candidate having to pay it.
The candidate will only have to reimburse the payments made for this service in the following seven cases:
a) When resigning from the initial training course, except on very serious grounds beyond the candidate's control.
b) Not obtaining the qualification from the school delivering the initial training due to not attending the course in conformance with the school's schedule.
c) Being expelled from the school delivering the initial training.
d) Only completing one of the three modules comprising the training course.
e) Only completing the training modules that qualify for towers and allow taking up paid employment at an air navigation service provider other than ENAIRE, provided that it occurs within a period of six years.
f) After completing the initial training, renouncing to attend or continue ENAIRE's unit training plan, except on very serious grounds beyond the candidate's control.
g) Not passing ENAIRE's unit training plan, provided that the candidate is hired as an air traffic controller at another international or national service provider and this occurs within a period of six years.