Beatriz Montero de Espinosa


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Beatriz Montero de Espinosa

Beatriz Montero de Espinosa has a degree in journalism from Complutense University (CEU San Pablo).

She has devoted her career to cultural management across public and private institutions.

She was at the Ministry of Education and Culture, advising the Secretariat of State for Culture and the Ministry, for six years.

She has been the director of the Contemporary Art Department of the State Society for Cultural Action Abroad (SEACEX), where she implemented an extensive programme of exhibitions to promote Spanish artists outside of Spain.

She has also worked at the Canal Foundation, coordinating different projects such as the “Roma S.P.Q.R.” exhibition at the Canal Art Centre, and has been responsible for the organisation of various exhibitions and institutional events at the Villar Mir Foundation, with the exhibition “A Su Imagen”, held at the Madrid City Council Cultural Centre, the Property Registrars’ Association and the Emilio Ambasz Foundation.