Air traffic control (ATC)

ENAIRE’s Air Traffic Control (ATC) service is provided by air traffic controllers who apply separations between aircraft and issue control authorisations at the request of pilots or at their own initiative, in accordance with traffic and environment conditions.

### Imagen embebida: IMG_ATM_ATC ### Controlador TWR ATC

Our air traffic controllers’ training and experience, together with the most advanced technology, means we can ensure the safety, agility and order of aircraft traffic.

ENAIRE is the largest ATC service provider in Spain and the only one that provides the three ATC services of area, approach and aerodrome:

  • Air control service: our controllers manage the controlled flights in a terminal control area, control areas or airways. ENAIRE has five control centres (ACCs) where it provides this service: Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Palma de Mallorca and Gran Canaria.
  • Approach control service (APP): our controllers manage the arrival and departure of controlled flights in a control zone and in zones determined by the terminal control areas. They organise and manage traffic quickly in the holding, approach, takeoff and landing phases.
  • Aerodrome control service (TWR): our controllers manage the aircraft at the airport and its environs. We provide this service at 22 towers, including the five with the most traffic in Spain.